When our founder Lynne, and her husband, David, moved to Kingwood, Texas , they bought a home with a pool. We soon realized that Katie needed some flotation support because she was too scared and too low in the water to even turn her head in our direction as we tried to coax her to the pool steps and to safety. In panic mode, she would continue trying to swim against the pool wall at the spot where she had fallen in, to what she thought was safety. Of course, she was unable to climb out.
Knowing that a dog life jacket would not save her life if she were unconscious, I fashioned a very crude collar to keep her afloat. I was amazed! This collar held her head up and gave her the confidence she needed to swim without panic and listen to us as we taught her how to find the steps and get out of the pool on her own.
The Hedz UP Pets Watercollar is designed to be used not only as a drown prevention collar, but also as a truly great teaching tool.
Although Katie became old and blind, the Watercollar saved her little life many times.
-Lynne Peters Founder
Our Team
Lynne Peters
Founder + President
Kelli Minson
Vice President + Director of Sales & Marketing